Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
17-26 Jan 2025
International Green Week
17-26 Jan 2025

Well prepared for Grüne Woche

From the setting up to the dismantling of your exhibition stand, to the time and staff planning, all the way up to your on-site events: The conception, realization and coordination of a convincing and a successful exhibition presence is a complex task.

In order to make your preparations as easy as possible, we will provide all of the important information and services as well as guidelines for the Trade Show organization here - so that everything runs according to plan.


17. - 26. January 2025

Opening Hours & Location

  • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Friday, 24. January: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.)
  • Messe Berlin GmbH
    Messedamm 22
    14055 Berlin, Germany

Setup and dismantling

January 13th, 2025

Start Setup

January 16th, 2025, 4 p.m.

End Setup and acceptance of construction

January 26th, 2025, from 6 p.m.

Start Dismantling

January 28st, 2025

End dismantling

Well preped for the fair planning

Advertising & SponsoringCAPITAL SERVICES GmbH
T: +49 30 3038 2406
BECO Webshop/
User account
Login/ Password
CateringCapital Catering GmbH
T: +49 30 3038 2993
Complete stand orders and stand construction services by Messe BerlinCAPITAL SERVICES GmbH
T: +49 30 3038 1415
Exhibitors' directory/ Online EntryCAPITAL SERVICES GmbH
T: +49 30 3038 2525
Exhibitor passes, tickets
Freight forwardingSchenker Deutschland AG
T: +49 30 301 2995 420
Orders / ServicesExhibitor service
T: +49(0)30 3038 1400
Stand construction approval / technical questions about the standTechnical Department
T: +49 30 3038 4023
T: +49 30 3038 4025

Do you have any further questions?

Do you still have unanswered questions and would like to have a direct exchange with Grüne Woche team or your responsible foreign representative?

Documents for download

The cover sheet of an information sheet on behavior during the assembly and disassembly phase can be seen here. während der Auf- und Abbauphase.

Infosheet Stand construction

Download (PDF, 637 kB)

Cover sheet of the technical guidelines of Messe Berlin.

Technical Guideines

Download (PDF, 389 kB)

The exhibition center is divided into colored sections, which stand for different hall inspectors.

Hall Inspectors

Download (PDF, 614 kB)