A visit to Grüne Woche is a tradition for many families.To make your visit an experience for everyone, we offer for example a family room as a place of retreat. We have summarized everything else you need to know, the answers to the most frequently asked questions from families and the best ticket recommendations for you. Visit as a family
as a trade visitor
We are one of the leading fairs in the fields of food, agriculture and horticulture. We offer our trade audience a comprehensive range of specialist events. Learn more here.
as a school class
Would you like to visit Grüne Woche with your school class? We offer an extensive school program with special activities for school classes and other youth groups. With the young generation hub, we also offer a hall dedicated to the topic of career orientation. There is guaranteed to be no time for boredom! To the program.
as visitor with special needs
We are a trade fair for ALL. Take advantage of our handicap tour for people with disabilities or our wheelchair rental service to adapt your visit even more to your needs. We have summarized this and other information, such as barrier-free parking or the ticket for accompanying persons, for you in easy language under Barrier-free visit.
With our new search tool, navigating our website is child's play: whether you are an exhibitor or looking for specific information as part of an upcoming trade fair visit, you can find it quickly and easily.