Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
16-25 Jan 2026
Green Week
16-25 Jan 2026

Regional-Star Award

Award ceremony

With the Regional-Star Award, Lebensmittel Praxis and Grüne Woche honor outstanding sustainable regional concepts in the food industry.

The Regional-Star is awarded to the best concepts with a regional character that promote the marketing of regional products under sustainable aspects. Companies from the food trade, agriculture and food industry, marketing organizations and service providers can apply in the following categories:

  • Product innovation
  • Trade cooperation
  • Processing
  • Marketing

Sublable Regional-Star
Regional-Star 2025

And the winners 2025 were

Soto organic falafel with bavarian chickpeasOrganic Veggie Food
Gärtnerei des Pestalozzi Kinder- und JugenddorfsEdeka Südwest Stiftung
Karla's milk ice cream from the SpreewaldSchauwerk
Product innovation 
That's nutsNüsse von hier

May we present: all Finalists

Soto organic falafel with bavarian chickpeasOrganic Veggie Food
Farm storeLandwirtschaftsbetrieb Weilepp
Full-service payroll processingAllerliebe
Gärtnerei des Pestalozzi Kinder- und JugenddorfsEdeka Südwest Stiftung
Loql AppOC Food Solutions GmbH | Rewe Group
Die faire MilchDFM Vermarktungs GmbH | Penny | Fair Food eG
Karlas Milcheis aus dem SpreewaldSchauwerk
„Die Weide lebt – gemeinsam für mehr Artenvielfalt“Gläserne Molkerei
„Heimat gemeinsam (er)leben“ Rewe Neubiberg
Product innovation 
Ur-Dinkelmehl-Produkte direkt aus den StaudeBiolandhof Familie Baur
Emma-AufstricheAntonius gemeinsam begegnen GmbH
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