Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin Website
Datum der Veranstaltung:
16-25 Jan 2026
Green Week
16-25 Jan 2026

The family tour at the Green Week

Get to know, try out, join in - the Green Week offers families in particular an abundance of adventure activities revolving around nature, agriculture and animals.

Duration: one day


  • 2.2 (Flower Hall)
  • 3.2 (Federal Association of the German Food Industry & Farm Experience)
  • 23 (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture)
  • 25 & 26 (Animal Hall)
  • 27 (green up your life)

Recommended entrances: South Entrance, Hall 7 Entrance or Hall 27 Entrance

Ticket recommendation: Day ticket, Day ticket family

The family tour offers exciting experiences and animal encounters for young and old. Visitors start at the South Entrance - convenient also for those arriving by coach or shuttle, as they get off directly at the South Entrance.

Floral hall: colorful diversity

The tour begins with a walk through a sea of colors made up of blossoms in Hall 2.2, in the Flower Hall. Thousands of different plant species are on display here, this year under the motto "Wild about Nature". Plant-loving visitors can marvel at early bloomers, cacti and exotic plants.

Turning old into new and pure nature in Hall 27

The tour continues in Hall 27, where the focus is on forests and forestry. The German Hunting Association will be presenting wild animals and native nature in a biotope with real plants and animal specimens; hunting dogs and falcons will also be on hand. Visitors can put their forest knowledge to the test in a quiz. In the special "Multitalent Holz" area of the Berlin Forests, children can climb up to the ceiling of the hall on a climbing tree. The Federal Ministry for the Environment will be bringing nature to life with themed area, where visitors can interactively discover wilderness and forests, soils and moors, rivers and lakes, the sea and urban nature, with audio experiences, walking acts and hands-on activities.

Hall 3.2 - something for every taste

Hall 3.2 will vividly present where our food comes from and how the food industry works. First guests will pass by well-known companies from the food industry, for example Rewe, Danone or McDonalds, and top associations of the German food industry, before experiencing a special highlight of the Green Week: Agriculture is within reach at the Event Farm, also in Hall 3.2. Here, visitors will meet AgrarScouts - real farmers who are committed to consumer dialog. Show cooking, sound showers, hall rallies and interactive quizzes invite young and old to join in, taste and try out the products at the Event Farm.

Those who want to learn more about the food industry afterwards can take a detour to Hall 23 to the stand of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Consumer centers, food associations and other exhibitors from the food industry are also represented there.

Animals can be encountered in Halls 25 and 26. Cows, sheep, donkeys, cats, dogs and many other animals will be there. A highlight on the second IGW weekend: From January 27 to 29, HIPPOLOGICA, Berlin's largest indoor equestrian event, will take place. In the large demonstration ring, horse fans and equestrian enthusiasts can watch the two-in-hand and jumping competitions. At the federal shows, sport and robust ponies will make their rounds.

Children stand around a table, watching a device for peeling apples.

There is a lot to experience, get to know and try out at the Green Week, especially for children. Photo: Messe Berlin

Author:Luisa Gerlach

Event farm, Flower Hall, Animals, Nature & Plants