Future Forum for Rural Development for the transformation of rural areas
Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir and Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck jointly opened the 17th Future Forum for Rural Development yesterday.
More than 1,800 participants, both on site and digitally, will come together at the largest national forum for the development of rural areas to discuss how to strengthen regional value creation in rural areas. The focus will be on
- the production of local products
- the creation of local jobs and
- the promotion of local entrepreneurship.
In 28 specialist forums, the topic will be examined from various perspectives, including how local people can be more involved, how key players can be better networked and how digital solutions can promote local change processes.
Changing rural areas together
Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir: "Rural regions are the strength of our country. Whether it's the energy supply and mobility of the future, regional economic cycles or better protection against extreme weather conditions - rural areas play a key role in the development and implementation of solutions. Many people work together here, volunteer their time and create community. If we promote and realise the potential of rural areas even more, they will be our pioneers and shapers of the future for a committed civil society and a new prosperity. I am delighted that the Future Forum offers a platform so that the key shapers of the future who live in rural areas and shape change there can talk to each other."
Opportunities for rural development
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck adds: "Rural areas not only cover around 90 per cent of Germany, they are also the economic foundation of our country. The transformation towards climate neutrality, digitalisation and demographic development pose major challenges for rural areas, but at the same time they also offer great potential and opportunities. In this legislative period, economic and climate protection policy has set the course for making better use of the diverse development potential in rural areas and thus also improving living and economic conditions."
Core task of rural transformation
Strengthening rural areas is a core task for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The BMEL is committed to equal living conditions in urban and rural areas. The Future Forum, the largest national platform for rural areas, has been the central platform for networking, knowledge transfer, discussion and exchange on practical solutions at the Green Week since 2008.
Further information on the BMEL projects and the topic of "Rural Development" can be found here.
The complete programme of the 17th Future Forum for Rural Development is available here.