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- Rural Diversity
Our Theme World:
Rural Diviersity
The concentrated land power
The exhibitors of the segments "Multi-talent Wood", "Renewable Resources", "Forest, Game, Hunting and Nature", "Country Living", "Technical/Humanitarian Supply Security", "Volunteering" and "Bio-Economy" will present their concentrated “land power” together in Hall 27, the largest exhibition hall of the Berlin Exhibition Center.
Country Living
Here you can find plenty of information about successful projects, challenges and success factors in rural development. The central contact point is the BMEL Campus, whose motto is "Shaping the Countryside Together". Visitors and exhibitors can discuss what makes life in the countryside good.
Renewable raw materials / bioeconomy
Visitors to the stand of the Agency for Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.) can experience a modern life that makes careful use of nature and its resources. (FNR) can experience.
In the bio-economy, plant-based raw materials from the fields and forests replace petroleum and other fuels, thus making a significant contribution to climate protection and the security of supply. In Hall 27, you can also find out what the bio-economy looks like in practice and see which products are made from renewable raw materials.
Multitalent wood, forest, game, hunting and nature
Forest rangers show examples of sustainable forestry and forest management, and innovative companies provide information about efficient wood processing. Let them enlighten you as to wood’s versatility as a raw material and also inform you about the climate-friendly and CO2-reducing advantages offered by building and heating with wood. Our presentation "Multitalent wood" is looking forward to you!
Habitats and refuge areas of our native wild animals are continuing to shrink. This is the result of more and more land being devoted to agriculture, as well as habitat fragmentation and the increase of predators. The hunters can provide you information about the fields and meadows biotope as well as the diversity of, and need for, hunting.
Supply security and volunteering
In this large thematic area, we also offer a platform for technical/humanitarian supply security and volunteer initiatives. Without volunteers, many projects and initiatives simply would not be possible. With voluntary work, we all stand together for social coexistence, for a society in which there is room for everyone. The challenges posed by environmental influences and social processes increasingly call for assistance and support measures which require intensive coordination and many specialists. Here you can gain some insight into the diversity of tasks in this important area.
Feel free to get in touch
Are you interested in exhibiting in our Rural Diversity section?
Your contact person: Karen Raupach